Hey all!
I know's its been some time in coming, but please allow me to present to you The liars' truth.
The liars' truth is a blog dedicated to fiction in all its various forms. Since people began telling stories sitting around a fire surrounded by the dark of night, they used these stories to relate basic truths, facts, and ideas.
Fiction's single greatest advantage is that it marries what we know, and that which we can imagine. From this we learn, and we grow.
The Rules.
As this is a blog there is naturally the give and take between myself and those readers who wish to comment, so it stands that for the common good some rules of conduct should be established.
(1) Respect. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and no doubt there will be those who disagree.
(2) Don't be rude.
(3) Keep an open mind. If a character in a story is inclined to swear they are going to swear. I do not go out of my way to make a character vulgar, but I do abide by a character's nature.
(4) Be considerate.
(5) Etc. This includes anything that need be addressed in the future.
Anyway, enough of that it's time to get down to the business at hand. I hope that you, the reader, find a moments entertainment here, and if you do I encourage you to follow this blog and to add your thoughts or suggestions.
A taste of things to come.
This world spins around the sun, the sun about the galaxy, and the galaxy revolves around the outer most edges of the known universe, but this is only one level of things many, many things in fact.
All things twist and turn in the wind called change, and no one can say for sure what the outcome might be. Could reality be spooling out from the beginning to the end? Or has it been to the conclusion, and only now rumbles back to the beginning?
But in the end who should give pause, but gods and devils-angels and demons. That is those with something at stake, but for us there is only life-an inconsequential spark of divinity forgotten, shards cast off of the eternal-
Light, and dark…
Right and wrong…
Reality and illusion…rabbit hole, worm hole, pigeon hole, hell even Jeffrey Toll. The ramblings of a mad man gilded in prophetic words.
What follows are the tales, the stories, the truths, and yes the lies.
These are the beginnings, the ends, and most importantly the countless journeys between those two points.
Let loose those moorings on what you know, they’ll do you no good where you’re going. Why is that you ask? To see noble valor mingle alongside self righteous malice you’ll need all your courage. Be not deceived by fact, nor count all lies the same. For all must play their part.
Pack up your six guns, and a holy book of your choosing, for even now the wind called change stirs, and will soon gust with or without your being ready
But you’ve asked why, and that too may serve to you well. Lastly, why worry about where you’re going? Look about you, you’re already there…
Oh and one last bit of advice not yet weary traveler, pick up a stone before you’re cast to the gale, for you’ll never know when you’ll be back this way again.